
Sooner Rather Than Later
02.16.25 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship
“I never want to be a patient in a hospital again,” my 89-year-old husband told me a couple of months ago. For the last six months in 2024, hospitalizations and rehabs had been an all-too-frequent occurrence. It all...

Before It Is Too Late
02.09.25 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship
As a young professional who graduated from college a couple of years ago, I accepted a position with a corporation that sent me to a district office to gain experience in the field. Other graduates arrived there in the same time frame and...

Her Heart's Cry
02.02.25 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship
The devastation in California from the horrific fires as shown on TV prompts me continually to ask our Lord to pour out His grace and mercy on every single person who has been affected by the ongoing tragedy. Reading a blog recently from...

It is Malignant!
01.26.25 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship
My doctor was calling to inform me a tumor had been found in my colon. Then she said, “ You are strong and you can beat this!” After wishing me luck, she ended the call. In shock, I looked out the window and watched the sun...

Escaping the Trap
01.19.25 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship
A few years ago, my wife and I were in a tough place with debt. We never intended for that to happen … but somehow it snuck up on us when we were not paying close enough attention. My wife is a nurse. Well into her...

Blessed Event
01.12.25 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship
As it was for so many, 2024 was a very blessed but also very challenging year. God gifted me with my first granddaughter, but He also challenged me to raise that granddaughter -- at least for 90 days. That 90 days turned into a...

Unspeakable Joy
01.05.25 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship
My dad came from the era of tough guys, a mold he filled quite well. He was a fighter and this served him and those around him well - and sometimes not so well - throughout his life. His feistiness helped make a life in a world that...

Three Times Blessed
12.29.24 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship
Christmas is a time when we celebrate newborns! This most popular of all holidays commemorates the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. All the details of this Son of God being born in a stable and placed in a manger, the choir of angels who...

He Never Lets Go
12.22.24 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship
Several weeks before Thanksgiving last year, my grown daughter began feeling bad. She thought it was a stomach bug that would go away in time. But when Thanksgiving came, a holiday whose food she especially enjoyed, her discomfort was...

Forever Grateful
12.15.24 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship
Last weekend, we celebrated the anniversary of our seven-year-old son’s family day when he was officially adopted as a member into our family. Each year on that day, we give glory and praise to God for fulfilling His promise to grow our...