Everyone Has A Next Step
We strongly believe that transformation does not come simply through learning; it comes through action. We want to help you find the right action step that will help guide you on your spiritual journey. Below are six next steps that we believe will help you grow and experience depth in your relationship with God. Everyone has a next step. What's yours?

Placing Faith in Jesus

An Outward Expression of Inner Change

Beginning Your Step Track

Experience Growth in Community

Loving God by Serving Others

Cultivating Generosity

Placing Faith in Jesus
In God's original design for mankind, we were to live in perfect harmony with our Creator. There was no fear, no sin, no shame, no death. It was a perfect relationship of love and trust. However, that perfect relationship was broken once sin entered the world through one act of disobedience. (Genesis 3) We all fall under the curse of sin, wanting to live life fully on our terms and in our way. That sin separates us from God in many different ways.
But there is hope! God's heart is to restore our relationship with Him. He doesn't require us to earn His favor. He offers relational restoration through the sacrifice of His son Jesus. When we choose to believe that Jesus was God incarnate and that his death and resurrection took the penalty for our sin, we are choosing to put our trust back in God. That trust, or faith, results in a relationship restored.
Whether you have put your faith in Jesus and are looking for a next step or have more questions about salvation, we want to hear from you!
Contact our Spiritual Care Pastor: Robert Jackman

An Outward Expression of Inner Change
Baptism will not save your soul, but it is a public profession of your repentance and faith in God through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. An individual must first accept the gift of salvation by receiving and believing in Jesus Christ as his or her personal savior. Even Jesus was baptized when He started His ministry, and He directed every believer to follow his example. Today, The Fellowship continues Jesus’ command by baptizing members who have heard His call and made the decision to accept the Lord into their heart and are ready to outwardly demonstrate their inward profession through baptism.
Baptism FAQs
The English word "baptism" is a transliteration of the original New Testament Greek word "baptizein," which means to dip into water. By definition, baptism is a public profession of our repentance and faith in God through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
We baptize by full immersion:
- Because of the implications of the word itself.
- Because it was the norm in Scripture.
- Because the symbolism of the act requires it.
In the New Testament and the first two centuries of Christendom, baptism was the baptism of believers, not infants. It is not even considered until 200 A.D., when Tertullian mentions infant baptism for the first time in a historical document.
Baptism is the sign of belonging to the new people of God who are constituted not by birth or ethnic identity, but by repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. Here at The Fellowship, we hold a dedication service for parents and children to commit and set apart our children to the Lord.
No. It is not a spiritual cleaner.
Paul does not mean that faith alone fails to save. He means that faith calls on God - and that is what faith does. Peter is saying, "Baptism is the God-ordained, symbolic expression of that call to God. It is an appeal to God – either in the form of repentance or in the form of commitment."

Beginning Your Step Track
At Discover, you will get the opportunity to hear The Fellowship’s story and beliefs, meet the staff, ask any questions you might have, and meet others new to the church. Altogether, Discover gives you everything you need to determine if this is the right church home for you and your family.
Discover lunch is held from 11:00am-1:30pm during and after our second service. Childcare is provided. We have a Discover lunch on these dates in 2025:
February 16, April 27, June 8, August 3, September 21, November 16

Experience Growth in Community
Sunday services are a great starting point for spiritual development. If you're ready to take your journey a layer deeper, we believe you should consider joining a group. Groups are an opportunity to erase anonymity and be known at The Fellowship. We invite you to explore the different types of groups our community offers.

Loving God by Serving Others
One of the markers of our faith is to grow in our servant-heartedness. The way that we do this is by simply taking the time to serve others. When we serve, we are modeling our lives after Christ's example. We all have a place on mission with God. We cannot wait for you to discover yours!
Our hope is that when people attend The Fellowship, they will have a fresh encounter with God. We want guests and members to feel at home within our community. To help that happen, we need volunteers like you to help with areas like children's classes, guest services, our worship team, and many other areas. Discover where you can help serve within the church!
As God blesses The Fellowship, we want to in turn bless others. We believe that serving is a great way to share Christ's love with our surrounding communities and around the globe. Discover how you can serve in one of our opportunities beyond the walls of the church.

Cultivating Generosity
Finances can be a point of tension in relationships. This can also be true in our relationship with God. However, we believe that as we grow in spiritual maturity, we will naturally grow in our generosity too. As we grow deeper in trust with God and gain His heart for the world, we will find ourselves joyfully giving towards kingdom initiatives.
Explore more about giving at The Fellowship: