His Love Displayed
12.17.23 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship
I grew up at the Jersey Shore. The ocean and the bay were always within minutes of our home. The beach was where I would find solace during my stressful childhood! My husband grew up in the hills of Tennessee. We met in Texas, blended into a...
In Time of Need
12.10.23 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship
In the last couple of years, I have experienced the faithfulness of our God on three very challenging occasions. All glory to Him Who is our very present help in time of need! In July 2022, while planning my nephew’s...
Make Me a Blessing
12.03.23 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship
A few weeks ago when I woke up, in my morning prayer, I asked God to use me to be a blessing to others that day. That afternoon my husband had an appointment with a new podiatrist and I was going to drive him there. Upon entering the...
A Reason for Thanksgiving
11.26.23 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship
As I sit here this evening, I cannot stop thinking about what happened to me this morning. It was just an ordinary day like most all of the others. On my schedule was an appointment to have my yearly checkup with my Primary Care Physician...
Oh, Deer!
11.19.23 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship
In October my sweet friend from high school and I were returning from a nine-day adventure which included visiting sites in Washington, D.C., and several Civil War battlefields. We had one more day planned at yet another National Historic...
To Breathe Again
11.12.23 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship
“I am thinking it is about time for me to quit my job,” my 79-year-old husband said a couple of weeks ago. He works long days, getting up at 5 a.m. every school day because he is employed as a para-professional in an elementary...
Found at Last
11.05.23 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship
I have attended church off and on all my life, but never really listened in the services or wanted to serve or get involved. I just went most Sundays – most likely trying to make myself feel better. Never did I notice that God was...
Even the Smallest Details
10.29.23 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship
After 15 years in the two-story home where our three adult sons were raised, we recently decided to downsize and purchase the one-story house directly across the street. It had been the home of my husband’s parents! What a blessing to...
Divine Connection
10.22.23 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship
I have Celiac Disease. This is an immune reaction to a protein called gluten found in wheat, rye and barley. The lining of the small intestines is damaged by the inflammation gluten causes. Since my diagnosis 16 years ago, I have...
Strength in Weakness
10.08.23 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship
My family said yes to a mission trip in southeast Asia. We partnered with local churches and an evangelistic organization to hold five clinics for providing eyeglasses to villagers. Participating churches each had several hundred locals come...