21 Days of Fasting and Prayer | The Fellowship

21 Days of Fasting and Prayer

Sunday, January 10, 2021 - Saturday, January 30, 2021

Are you wanting more joy, peace, and hope in your life? Maybe desiring more of God in life’s everyday moments? Hoping that 2022 will be better than 2021?  We all do!

You are invited to take 21 Days to make room for God in your life. This 21 Days of Fasting and Prayer could give you the spiritual breakthrough you need and could change the trajectory of our church in 2022.

Why 21 days?

In Daniel 10, a vision comes to Daniel which causes him to seek God and for 21 days, he fasts and prays. In verses 12-14, an angel describes to Daniel what was going on when he began to seek God.

“Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them. But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me for twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me because I was detained there with the king of Persia. Now I have come to explain to you what will happen to your people in the future, for the vision concerns a time yet to come.”

Daniel sought the Lord in prayer, and from the first day he started praying, the Angel of the Lord was activated; however, he met some resistance along the way and had to battle in the spiritual realm for 21 days. After those 21 days, he appeared to Daniel to interpret his vision and answer his request.

We believe that when we pray, something happens immediately in the spiritual realm. However, we understand that there are both Kingdoms of Light and Darkness at work, so we are setting aside 21 days to pray as a church and seek God, His truth and direction for our personal lives, our families, our church, our community and more.  At this particular time, we are asking everyone to press in and seek God intentionally.

Beginning January 10-30, we asking everyone to fast from something in order to create some space for a daily time of prayer and seeking God’s will and direction, personally and as a church. Set aside a time each day to open the Fasting and Prayer Guide, which you will find on The Fellowship app or on our Fellowship website. You can fast from the news, one meal a day, caffeine, alcohol, or something else that creates some space and time in your life ... and then take that time to stop and seek God.

I believe that God is going to do something miraculous in your life and in the life of our church during these 21 Days of Fasting and Prayer.



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