Faithwalking Foundations Module 1 - ONLINE | The Fellowship

Faithwalking Foundations Module 1 - ONLINE

Every Monday, from 01/20/2020 to 03/22/2020, 6:30 PM - 7:45 PM

Address: ONLINE, Katy, TX US 77450

Faithwalking is a spiritual formation process where people are increasingly following the way of Jesus, experiencing ongoing transformation, and developing effective practices for missional living: serving the poor, the marginalized, and those in need; working for the common good; and restoring individuals, social systems, communities, and nations to God's intended design.

In Faithwalking Foundations Module One (offered in lieu of Faithwalking 101),  you will get spiritual formation tools for building self-awareness and self-discovery. You will have opportunities to reflect with the Lord on both the positive and the negative of your first formation. You will begin to notice how your first formation wounded you and how those wounds are impacting your relationship with God and with others.  You will learn ways to partner with God in making positive declarations that move your life forward on the transformational journey towards wholeness in Christ.

The course includes:
*Six groups sessions:  an introductory session, four sessions of new content, and a debrief session at the end
*Four coaching sessions
*Homework to be completed in between sessions

Faithwalking Foundations Module One will occur Monday evenings ONLINE (via Zoom Video Conference) from January 18 - March 22, 6:30 - 7:45 pm. 

Registration fee is $99. per person. Deadline to register for this course is January 10.

Scholarships are available upon request and approval.

Faithwalking FOundations Module 1 Registration(FW 101) 

Interested in a taking Faithwalking in español?

Faithwalking Fundaciones - Modulo 1
Inicio : Lunes, Enero 18th, 2021 hasta el Lunes 15th de Febrero,2021.
Las reuniones seran virtuales de 6:00 pm a 8:30 pm, durante cinco Lunes.

Faith Walking es un programa de Formacion Espiritual que nos permite alinear nuestras vidas, de acuerdo a los planes de DIOS  para cada individuo.
Este proceso incluye practicas espirituales y tareas que impactaran su vida personal, sus relaciones familiares , asi como tambien su barrio y su comunidad, a travez de estas practicas tendremos la oportunidad de servir a los pobres, a los marginados , trabajando juntos para la restauracion individual, familiar y social.

Faith Walking ha sido modificado en 6 Modulos, cada modulo tiene una duracion de 5 semanas.
Este primer Modulo le permitira aprender a verse a si mismo, reflexionar sobre las experiencias positivas y negativas de su primera formacion, entendera como esas experiencias marcaron su vida  y continuan teniendo un impacto, aun despues de mucho tiempo, aprendera tambien que hay esperanza para el futuro, a medida que desarrolla declaraciones para alinearse al plan de DIOS, alcanzando una vida mas saludable y de beneficio para la GLORIA DE DIOS.

Costo : $50 dolares 
Facilitadora y Entrenadora : Sandra Patel ( sphernan@

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