Exact Right Opportunity

    Mar 19, 2023 | by The Fellowship

    After our second daughter was born, we, as a couple, felt a desire to begin attending church so that our two young girls would have the opportunity to learn about Jesus.  Because our home is located quite close to The Fellowship, we drove past the church all the time and decided to visit.

    About five months after we had begun attending The Fellowship, one Sunday during the worship service a short video was shown about an opportunity called Alpha, a weekly series of sessions to explore the Christian faith in a casual, safe, non-judgmental setting. It seemed like the exact right opportunity for us to learn more about Jesus while meeting other people who worshipped there as well as beginning to get more involved in the church. 

    We really did not know what to expect.  From the second that we walked into Alpha that first night, the people facilitating the event were so welcoming and friendly and soon we all sat down to enjoy dinner together.  We felt comfortable and at ease while talking with and getting to know others.  You never knew who would be sitting at your table as the weeks went by, and everyone was eager to get acquainted.

    Once dinner was over, an Alpha Talk video was shown.  Each video concentrates on a different question that is often asked about different aspects of the Christian faith and is designed to create lots of dialogue.  After breaking into small groups, everyone is encouraged to ask any questions they might have on the subject while being assured that no one will judge them.

    Both of us happen to be from New England and we were randomly placed in a small group with another Fellowship couple who are also from New England.  What were the chances of that happening?  And before the 12 weeks of Alpha was over, we had gotten to know many other people who were just as nice.  How wonderful that, as a result, our Sunday mornings gradually became a time when we could recognize and greet friends when previously we hardly knew anyone.

    One week, the Alpha Talk video was about prayer.  We learned prayer is an ongoing conversation with Jesus who desires to be our best friend with whom we can talk to at any time about anything.  During that particular evening, a member of the Prayer Team asked to pray for us as a couple. It was very powerful to hear petitions to the Lord for His guidance and for His blessings to be poured out on us. Through everything that happened that evening, we felt that our lines of communication with the Lord were opened.

    While in the process of learning more about Jesus, we became so very aware of how much He loves each of us personally just for being the person He created us to be.  One of us had previous experiences with Christianity and through Alpha established a committed relationship with Jesus.  The other had no experience with organized Christianity but felt Jesus had been pursuing him throughout his life to bring him to this point of choosing to be “All In!”

    Perhaps you are like we were – not knowing Jesus but wanting to know more about Jesus!  Alpha provides a relaxed and comfortable setting with wonderful, caring people who will help make that happen -- as well as pray for you!

     J.E. & C.E.


    Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth;
    give me an undivided heart that I may fear your name.  I will praise you, O Lord my God, with all my heart;
    I will glorify your name forever.  For great is your love toward me ...
    Psalm 86: 11-13


    Sign Up For ALPHA
    March 23rd – June 8th
    6:30 – 8:30 p.m.

    LIFE Center
    Register at thefellowship.org


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