Crisis of Unbelief | Articles | The Fellowship

Crisis of Unbelief

    Aug 11, 2024 | by The Fellowship

    How thrilled my husband and I were when the Lord blessed us with a son.  As committed Christian parents, we made the decision to send him to a school sponsored by our denomination when he was in pre-kindergarten … which continued all the way through high school graduation. He has always actively participated in church activities, including volunteering, attending Sunday School as well as worship services both on Sundays and mid-week. Since both my husband and I are devout Christians, we have been filled with great joy in his spiritual growth.

    However, it has not always been smooth sailing.  When he was a junior in high school, our son decided that he needed to explore other religions in this world. If believing in Christ was the only way, why did so many people in this world have a different opinion?  He was not just blowing hot air … but began to seriously research and study other major religions of the world.  As his mother, I was devastated.  Where would this lead?  I knew Satan would like nothing better than to lure him away from the God of his youth.  All I could do was to continually lift him before the Lord, asking that he would learn the truth and the truth would set him free from doubts and unbelief.

    While he was in the midst of this season of spiritual exploration, his high school offered a trip during spring break to the Holy Land.  When he expressed interest in going, my husband and I were open to the idea.  Our son said that the trip would give him an opportunity to visit multiple sites where significant events that are recorded in the Bible took place. He began to research all the places that their tour would go, what the Bible said happened in those localities, and specific questions he wanted to have answered.

    Spring Break arrived and off he went to Israel.  I constantly prayed that the Lord would work in his life in unforgettable ways that would put his doubts to rest.  I had no idea how that could be accomplished, but I continued to place it in God’s hands.

    It just so happened that was the spring that Covid-19 began wreaking its great devastation on our planet. Countries began closing their borders and international travel was shutting down.  My son’s tour group arrived at the airport in Isreal from which their flight was scheduled to return to the United States.  After they were all checked in, the devastating announcement came that all air traffic had been shut down and they would be unable to leave the country.  What a shock for this group of teenagers!

    One of the adult sponsors called the students together and said they were going to ask God to pour out mercy and open a way for them to get home.  Then he asked my son to voice the prayer.  A quiet person, especially in a crowd, my son said he did not want to be the one to pray.  But the sponsor insisted.  So, he said a brief prayer and included: “If You are who You say You are, get us out of here!”

    Within the hour, the group received word that some borders had briefly reopened, and their flight would be leaving immediately.  My son had received his answer … and his faith exploded!

    The experience profoundly affected my son, leading him to reaffirm his belief that Christ is the way, the truth and the life. Since then, he has recommitted to his Christian faith.  Now a junior in college, he wears a crucifix as a reminder of his spiritual journey.

    Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
    in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. 

    Proverbs 3:5-6


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