Reversed Thunder | Soul Stir | The Fellowship

Soul Stir

Reversed Thunder

January 28, 2020

Texas is known for its’ big thunderstorms. They are both dangerous and exhilarating. The deep roll, the loud crack and the flash of light across the sky can make your heart skip a beat. It's the strike, the impact, that sends a new sound into the sky … reversed thunder! In Revelation we see the throne of God from which light, thunder, power, and glory come from but it's the impact on those around the throne that stands out. 

When we have been impacted, struck by the power of God’s forgiveness, grace, and love, our lives echo with praise which can best described as reversed thunder. By gathering together each week we join with the heavens to raise a loud voice before God’s throne as Revelation 4:8 says “…and day and night they never cease to say, “Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!” Our Sundays are filled with music and message, which encourages us to pray and persevere in the midst of persecution. And yes … those prayers, those cries for the sick, the hurting, are a thundering strike that reaches the ears of our loving God! There will be a day when those prayers against all that is evil, those prayers for justice and mercy will come back and crash to the earth in the sound of reversed thunder. Talk about exhilarating! 

There is power in worship and each of us are given the name of worshipper! Every week your voice is added to a chorus of changed lives. Lives forever changed that want nothing more than to lift up the One who changed them. A thunderous chorus that rolls deep here on earth and then rises to the heavens.  

Here’s something you can do … bring a friend this Sunday to join you as you bring praise to our God.

-Dr. Jerry


Sarah Stepleton on January 31, 2020 1:30pm

Thanks for your thoughts Pastor Jerry.


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And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works...

Hebrews 10:24

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