Preparing for the New Year | Soul Stir | The Fellowship

Soul Stir

Preparing for the New Year

December 27, 2022

Liminal space is defined as the space between no longer and not yet, between what was and what will be. In the Bible, there are many liminal spaces. There is the wilderness wandering. Egypt is in the rearview mirror; it is the no longer and what was. In the distance is the promised land, the not yet and what will be. But for 40 years, the children of Israel wandered in the land in between. In the New Testament, we read where Jesus ascended into heaven and the disciples waited in the upper room. The no longer and what was left an emptiness and longing for the not yet and what will be. Then it happened, the Holy Spirit came and ushered in the church at Pentecost. The coming of Christ was a fulfillment of prophesy and promise over 4,000 years and yet, we are in a liminal space waiting and watching for His return, living as aliens in a foreign land.

This time every year, we enter a liminal space. Bringing in the New Year requires us to slow down enough to reflect upon what is no longer and what was and begin to consider the not yet and what will be. You may find that you are in a transition in your own life, a change that will not end just when the calendar changes to a new year. Liminal spaces can last days, weeks, months and even years. Here a few things that might be helpful as you sit in the liminal space, whether just to transition to another year or beyond!

Rest – take a deep breath, eat slowly, tend to our soul.

Make space – the temptation is to fill every space with something when what we need is to make and keep the space open. Read, go for a walk, have a conversation … resist productivity.

Be still – stop moving, be still and listen to the Holy Spirit. Know and me known by the One who loves you with an unconditional love.

Dream – engage in thinking about what is possible with God. Where might He be leading; what might He be preparing you for?

As we go into a new year remember … God is preparing you for Greater Things!

The person who trusts me will not only do what I’m doing but even greater things
John 14:12 (The Message)

-Pastor Jerry


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