Experiencing God on a Bad Day | Soul Stir | The Fellowship

Soul Stir

Experiencing God on a Bad Day

November 08, 2022

We all have had one … a Bad Day! I have had my share of bad days. Days when I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. Days when there was more month than money and I did not know how we were going to make it. Days when my marriage was in a mess, and I was struggling spiritually. Days when I could not see past my pain to find hope for tomorrow. Bad Days! Missed flights, flat tires, lost luggage, spilled coffee all over my white shirt, stolen laptop … you name it. Any and all of those events could lead to a day lost in the abyss of sorrow. So how do we bounce back, get over it, move on?

To quote from the message a couple of weeks ago, Life is hard, God is good, try not to confuse the two. God is good, and is the foundational truth that every bad day tempts us to doubt. So how can you and I experience God’s goodness on our worst day? I love Jesus’ invitation in Matthew 11 …

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28–30

This is an invitation to journey through every bad day of your life with Christ. No matter how difficult, painful or trying … He will never leave you nor forsake you as both Deuteronomy and Hebrews reminds us. Because He is with me, I can ask Him to help me see my circumstances through His eyes. The Bible calls it wisdom - to see it as God sees it. I want to see Jesus and know Jesus and all that He brings to my bad day in a good way!

So take some time to breathe deeply and remind yourself that, life may be hard ... but God is always good! Let the truth of the goodness of God sink in. Now on that foundational truth ... ask God for wisdom, look around and see what God is doing. In your bad day, is He there, giving you assurance, peace, power, grace, mercy, love … it is in Christ that every bad day can have a good ending!

Let each of us come to Christ with gratitude and experience His goodness ... no matter how bad the day might be.

– Pastor Jerry



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