Prayer Stories | The Fellowship

Prayer Stories

Stories of answered Prayer
    Lost and Found
    12.08.19 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

    I read in a Christian magazine: “If we are not flexible to bend, God will force us to bend,   according to His will and purpose, because of His love for us.”  Looking back, I see the truth of that statement in my...

      By His Grace
      12.01.19 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

      My wife, our 3-year-old son and I migrated to the United States (New York) in late 2016.  I had spent most of my childhood and work life in the Middle East, so the move was a bag of mixed emotions. There was anxiety as we did not know what...

        With Open Arms
        11.24.19 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

        A little over a year ago, our 21-year-old daughter started dating a young man.  It was a bit of a whirlwind relationship and did not start off on the best of terms.  But since she was of age, we really had no say and let her make her...

          Set Free
          11.17.19 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

          When the Lord used my brokenness to start a small ministry in Katy, I had no idea how much He would grow this ministry.  He used me to start Castimonia on June 12, 2010, at The Fellowship.  In the beginning, there were three of us...

            Alternative Plans
            11.10.19 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

            As a single mom with four children working two nursing jobs to make ends meet, I was stretched beyond capacity!  Recently divorced, I was struggling to establish a sense of normalcy for my children while dealing with a grieving heart. ...

              Angels Rejoice
              11.03.19 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

              For several years, I have been employed to take care of a woman who became seriously disabled when she had a stroke.  Her husband takes over the duties at night, and on weekends another caregiver comes in.  A few weeks ago, my lady had...

                In An Instant
                10.27.19 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

                It was a typical morning a couple of weeks ago with no warning of the challenge to come.  On my schedule that day was a 9:00 am meeting of a Christian charitable organization.  I give a ride to the meetings to three elderly ladies in...

                  When God is Ready
                  10.20.19 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

                  After 31 years of steady employment, I recently lost my job … terminated … fired … let go!  I did not see it coming.  I did not think that would ever happen to me, but it did! Devastation is an understatement!...

                    To Be A Friend
                    10.13.19 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

                    In May I found myself having yet another heated argument with one of my teenage daughters. I left the house crying and went for a walk. I really wanted to talk to another mom, not only for possible suggestions, but also so I could hear that my...

                      A God-Sized Project
                      10.06.19 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

                      More than a decade ago, a Christian couple from a predominantly Christian Asian nation answered God’s call to move with their children to another Asian nation -- one that is almost exclusively another world religion.  How do you even...
