Prayer Stories | The Fellowship
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Prayer Stories

Stories of answered Prayer
    No Limitations
    05.12.19 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

    The past 18 months have been a trying experience for our family. In January 2018, my husband, Davis, and I were expecting our third child. Shortly thereafter, we had a miscarriage -- followed by a second miscarriage...

      Terrorist Attacks
      04.28.19 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

      On Easter Sunday morning, my wife, Jennifer, and I headed bright and early to set up for church at the Katy Main Street campus.  When we were finished, I happened to see an email and much to my surprise, it was from my cousin, Larry, who is...

        For My Sake
        04.21.19 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

        God has been incredibly faithful in answering my prayers throughout my faith journey! Growing up in England, I did not come from a particularly strong Christian background. However, as a young child I always believed in God and felt I had a...

          Trusting His Timing
          04.14.19 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

          The week after my husband Nicholas, who is in the Air Force, and I got married last summer, we started filling out all the paperwork and medical clearances the military needed so I would be able to accompany him to his next post in Italy. We were...

            Great is God's Faithfulness
            04.07.19 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

            Early in the fall of last year, my husband Mark’s job changed within the same company, and he began working from home.  With this came a pay cut, so our budget was really tight.  After looking at our finances and wanting to be...

              Never Too Far Gone
              03.31.19 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

              If you would have told me 18 months ago that I would be clean and sober of ALL mind-altering substances … helping other women to recover … leading some to Jesus … serving as an active member of a loving and...

                When I Opened My Heart
                03.24.19 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

                Born and raised in a church that emphasizes works, I attended worship services every Sunday. During this time, I certainly believed in God, but did not have a close and personal relationship with Him. I did not read the Bible even though there...

                  A Priceless Gift
                  03.17.19 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

                  In 2016, my husband and I traveled to Rivne, Ukraine, with Michael Gott International (MGI), to teach conversational English and share the Gospel for two weeks. This Christian organization always partners with a local church whose members...

                    Staying the Course
                    03.10.19 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

                    Cliff - Late in 2017, doctors saw problems in my bloodwork that indicated I must lose weight or my general health would deteriorate rapidly.  I had been substantially overweight for many years and as I aged, the test indicators had...

                      Not Enough Words
                      03.03.19 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

                      I thought it was strange when I called my 70-year-old dad from my home in North Carolina and he did not answer or return my call.  Two days later I still could not connect with him.  My husband also tried unsuccessfully to call him...
