Prayer Stories | The Fellowship

Prayer Stories

Stories of answered Prayer
    Medical Malady
    08.08.21 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship

    It was in early May when my 14-year-old daughter began experiencing excruciating pain in the joints of her body.  Since this is extremely unusual for someone her age, we were referred to one specialist after another – but no one was...

      So Much Better
      08.01.21 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship

      About 12 years ago, I was diagnosed with an assortment of chronic diseases, including Lupus, Addison’s Disease and Epilepsy. Over the years since, my health has been a roller coaster, being fine and stable for a short time to hospital...

        No Matter What
        07.25.21 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship

        Last fall, my wife and I felt the Lord calling us to move from the Bay Area of California to Houston.  We and our three children arrived in December with a feeling of excitement in starting this new journey.  In February, we...

          Just Wait
          07.18.21 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship

          On Friday, May 28, there was a very bad storm in our area which included high winds and hail. It had been raining almost nonstop that week with storm and hurricane warnings. On that evening, though, we had not received any storm notifications...

            Nowhere But Up
            07.11.21 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship

            As an American history high school teacher in California, I also invest in used real estate properties, update and renovate them, and make a tidy profit to supplement my income.  Lake Charles, LA, is of special significance to me because I...

              Never Give Up
              07.01.21 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship

              Last September 19 is a day I will never forget.  It was the day I went from being in the best shape of my life one minute to the worst shape of my life the next. While cycling with my triathlon group, I was hit from behind by a truck going...

                A Better Place
                06.20.21 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship

                On a Monday several weeks ago, I had plans to go to my OB/Gyn’s office for a 12-week ultrasound and checkup. Blood work was also scheduled to find out our baby’s gender. I walked in alone -- as I had the previous four weeks and...

                  Facing My Fear
                  06.13.21 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship

                  From the moment I started seeking Jesus, in that lost and hopeless place a short two and a half years ago, worship music has had an immense impact on my relationship with Him.  At times, early on, it was the only thing I could cling to in...

                    Through the Fire
                    06.06.21 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship

                    Growing up, I heard many people say that children do not come with a manual. When my daughter was born in 2003, I did not understand how understated that was and how unprepared I was for what the Lord had in store for us. My child’s...

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