Prayer Stories | The Fellowship

Prayer Stories

Stories of answered Prayer
    Counting the Cost
    05.31.20 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

    When our two children entered high school four years ago, my wife and I decided it was time to plan ahead and we started researching college costs.   It was a very unpleasant surprise to learn about the unbelievable costs of higher...

      The Wall Came Down
      05.24.20 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

      I have always believed that God is in charge.  I do not always understand or like my circumstances, but even when not in agreement with what is happening -- I know it is so.  And God continually graces us in so many ways that most of...

        Vision Victory
        05.17.20 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

        On January 22, I noticed my left eye was irritated.  I thought it was due to my contact lens, but new contacts did not help.  Soon I was seeing “floaters” in my left eye.  The floaters progressed quickly and were...

          One More Day
          05.10.20 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

          Faith at times is so difficult to hold onto, especially in this current pandemic!  Yet as one trusts the Lord and sees Him working, it builds faith in our great God!  My faith has steadily increased in...

            Living Proof
            05.03.20 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

            On March 13, my husband of 47 years died.  He had been battling COPD and congestive heart failure for a long time.  It was a blessing to be able to care for him at home the last three weeks of his life.  He was a Christian and I...

              Try and Try Again
              04.26.20 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

              When I finished nursing school in The Philippines in 2017, there was not time to take a review course and sit for the licensing exam. That was because I had received a green card to work in the United States, and my husband and I were immigrating...

                Never the Same Since
                04.19.20 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

                After settling into our first home in New Hampshire in early 2000, my wife quickly began looking for a church to attend.  We had recently been blessed with our first child and she was eager to find a place for connection and living her...

                  Let Go and Let God
                  04.12.20 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

                  On December 10th, I left our house for an evening church men’s group because I had long been on a journey of seeking to know if God was real.  On the way, for some reason I found myself contemplating an experience my wife had 12 years...

                    A Scary Thing
                    04.05.20 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

                    One of the scariest things you will ever hear from a doctor is, “That is a melanoma cancer tumor.”  I know because just a month ago, I heard that from my dermatologist! Not the most observant person, I was surprised about six...

                      Finding a Way Home
                      03.29.20 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

                      Our daughter and son-in-law love animals, especially viewing them in the wild.  For several years they have planned and prepared to go to Africa where animals abound in their natural settings.  Our son-in-law’s special dream was...

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