Prayer Stories | The Fellowship

Prayer Stories

Stories of answered Prayer
    My Walking Miracle
    09.25.22 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship

    On Friday, September 2nd, my husband got dressed and headed to our half bath where we were installing a new vent fan as part of some remodeling to get our home ready to put on the market. After a bit, I noticed the vent fan had been on for quite...

      Calling All Boats
      09.18.22 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship

      Perhaps no day in the history of the United States brought the citizens of this country to their knees seeking God’s help like the attacks on the twin towers of the World Trade Center, Manhattan Island, NY, on September 11, 2001.  On...

        A New Opportunity
        09.11.22 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship

        In 2002, my family and I were faced with a life-altering decision.  As citizens of Argentina, for four years we had been enduring our country’s Great Depression, the worst economic crisis imaginable. An industrial engineer, I was...

          A Blessing In Disguise
          09.04.22 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship

          Answered prayers sometimes come unexpectedly! And at times they may not even address what you think you are praying for. My husband and I own a home and a lake condo, and we travel back and forth regularly. For the past several months, we also...

            Facing the Unexpected
            08.28.22 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship

            Vacations are supposed to be times to relax, make memories, visit friends/family, and experience new adventures.  After a couple of years of virtually no travel, my husband and I started out last month on a two-week road trip with great...

              My Dream Job
              08.21.22 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship

              Growing up, my career sights were set on becoming a dietician. I was an athlete and found it fascinating how the foods I ate made an impact on my athletic performance, mood, and muscle mass. Unfortunately, my athletic college scholarship took me...

                Redeeming the Time
                08.14.22 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship

                I am always asking God to show me where He wants me and how He can use me. Sometimes it is totally unexpected! My husband and I were facing a very difficult time back in the spring.  We were in the CCU waiting room at a local hospital...

                  A Dream Becomes Reality
                  08.07.22 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship

                  For as long as I can remember, my biggest dream has been to be a mom. The need to have children and be a mother was very deeply rooted in my soul. However, there was something hanging over my life that threatened that dream! I have PCOS or...

                    A Fresh, New Perspective
                    07.31.22 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship

                    On Saturday, July 9th, I was busy tackling the chore of organizing my garage.  Things were going well until I bent down to pick up something -- and in an instant, my lower left back pinched!  Not just a twinge, but so bad that I...

                      Trust is a Choice
                      07.24.22 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship

                      Our daughter and her two girls for some time had been planning a special birthday celebration.  Since they live out of town, it involved driving to Houston to spend the night in a downtown hotel that features a huge lazy river configured in...

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