Faithwalking | The Fellowship


making wholeness possible

Faithwalking is a spiritual formation process where people are increasingly following the way of Jesus, experiencing ongoing transformation, and developing effective practices for missional living: serving the poor, the marginalized, and those in need; working for the common good; and restoring individuals, social systems, communities, and nations to God's intended design.

Faithwalking Core Four is designed to walk you through a personal transformation journey that includes practices in spiritual formation, inner healing, emotional maturity, and missional living. We believe that our work in personal transformation clears space for us to effectively get on mission with God in the world.

Registration is limited. For more information, please contact Spiritual Formation.

Faithwalking Retreat is the introduction to your spiritual transformation process. 

During this two-day retreat, participants hear presentations about being fully human and fully alive according to God’s design, as well as how that makes a difference in their world. Faithwalking Retreat is currently offered in a two-day format on The Fellowship campus.


The next step in your Faithwalking journey is to enter into the Core Four Faithwalking courses beginning with Faithwalking 101.

This 13-week course consists of six biweekly group meetings along with six biweekly coaching sessions. Building on what you learned during the Faithwalking Retreat, you will receive a set of tools designed to help you engage in a lifelong journey of personal transformation.

 FAITHWALKING 101 Registration available

Faithwalking 201 follows your participation in FW101.

This is also a 13-week course which consists of six biweekly meetings and six biweekly coaching sessions. This course will provide you with additional practices and conceptual tools for partnering with God in doing the work of personal transformation in your life.

Faithwalking 201 Registration available

Following FW 201, you can take our two advanced courses in whatever order you desire. Faithwalking 301 is designed to deepen participants understanding and more fully integrate the transformational practices introduced in the Retreat, 101 and 201 courses.

FW 301 is a course of 13 weekly meetings where you will discuss what you are learning, what you are getting present to in your own life, and how you are applying what you are learning to continuously live into your preferred future with Christ.

 Faithwalking 301 registration - coming fall 2025

The other advanced course within the core four is Faithwalking 401, which looks to increase your capacity to love like Jesus loved, and to develop a deeper understanding of what it means to live on mission with God in the world.

FW 401 consists of ten weekly meetings with a small group of people. Like 301, in these meetings, you will discuss what you are learning, what you are getting present to in your own life, and how you are applying what you are learning to continuously grow in your capacity to work for the common good by joining with God in God’s ongoing mission in the world.

Faithwalking 401 Registration available