Fellowship Adults | The Fellowship
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Fellowship Adults

Growing deeper together.

Fellowship Adults wants to help you find the right soil to watch your faith grow. We believe that the soil is community. That is why we offer different classes, Bible studies, groups, and events designed to provide encouragement and accountability on your spiritual journey. Please take a look at the different opportunities that are currently available to help your spiritual life flourish.

"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." proverbs 27:17


What does masculinity look like through a Christ-centered lens? How can we become the men God wants us to be in our homes, in the workplace, and in the world? Join other men at The Fellowship for Bible studies, groups, and retreats to help encourage you on this journey of becoming a more Godly man.

For more information on opportunities for men, please contact Fellowship Men.


Sometimes it can feel like we are running from one thing to the next. Busy schedules can leave us feeling spread thin and burnt out. We want to create space for you to recharge, connect with other women, and continually grow in your understanding of your identity in Christ. We know you can find replenishment at one of our classes, Bible studies, or women's events.

For more information, please contact Fellowship Women.


Great marriages don't just happen by chance. Like any relationship, they require intentional investment. At The Fellowship, we want to support you and your commitment to marriage by offering resources such as pre-marital counseling and marriage mentorship.

For more information, please contact Nakris Ojo.