Simply stated, we believe that our financial giving is an act of worship. Giving reflects a posture of gratitude for all that God has done in our lives. We believe that we are called to respond to the generosity of the gospel by giving extravagantly to the progress of the gospel in our community and around the world. Giving also nurtures a rich and trusting relationship with a living God. We express our faith and love to Him by honoring Him as the source of everything we have. At The Fellowship, we practice tithing as a Biblical model for giving financially.
If you have any questions about giving at The Fellowship, please contact . For a record of all your giving to The Fellowship, click here.
Each one must give as he has decided in his heart,
not reluctantly or under compulsion,
for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7
Tithing is our starting place in giving. The Bible teaches us about a baseline standard for giving: the tithe (a word that literally means a “tenth”). Choosing to give the first 10% of our income is meant to foster a heart of generosity towards others as well as trust in God to be our faithful provider.
Automated bank bill pay is the easiest and most effective way to automate your giving. Once it is set up, you can update or change your giving at any time simply by changing the amount on your bank’s website. If you are not currently using bill pay, contact your bank or visit your bank’s website to set up bill pay. With bill pay, there are no processing fees, so 100% of your gift goes to the ministries of The Fellowship.
While we allow the use of credit cards for tithes and offerings, we strongly encourage the use of electronic funds transfer rather than credit card for two primary reasons:
1. We would never encourage someone to go into debt and pay interest on a donation to The Fellowship.
2. When using a credit card, 3% or more of your gift goes to the credit card company.
On occasion, there are specific projects and initiatives for which you can specify your giving. However, most giving is designated to a general fund where it is allocated to different budget categories that help facilitate ministry at The Fellowship and around the globe.
The Fellowship is accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA). The ECFA provides accreditation to leading Christian non-profit organizations that faithfully demonstrate compliance with established standards for financial accountability, transparency, fundraising and board governance. With this accreditation, The Fellowship has shown transparency, accountability, and wisdom in using your donations. Additionally, members of The Fellowship may request a copy of our most recent financial statements at any time.
Your information is held securely by the Fellowship One system. This information will remain private and will never be given away to third parties.
The Fellowship has consolidated our online giving to a single vendor in order to save money on processing costs, streamline your giving inexpert and simply our internal processes.
Some forms of giving may incur a convenience fee. For more information, click here.
Appreciated marketable securities are a great way to maximize your giving because you receive an immediate income tax deduction for the full fair market value of your securities. And, you pay no capital gains
Giving via our online giving platform can be viewed when you log in to your giving account. For a record of all your giving to The Fellowship, click here.