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What I Want Most

    Feb 10, 2019 | by Nancy Newbrough

    In early 2018, I was having memory problems, insomnia, headaches and low energy, so I decided to go to an internist. He ordered a brain scan and several blood tests.

    The brain scan came back normal -- which was a huge relief since my dad died of brain cancer. I had been imagining every possible scenario related to that. One Sunday, I even visited the Prayer Room and intercessors prayed over me because I was so scared of the potential results!

    The blood tests showed borderline hypothyroidism, but the internist did not want to treat it with medication since it was marginal. I was disappointed that he would not provide treatment for what to me seemed the obvious answer to my fatigue and memory problems.

    I next went to my family physician with all the test results and symptoms. He asked about my stress level, allergies, and the amount of sleep I was getting. Since my job is stressful, I figured it was a contributing factor. He also ran additional tests and determined I was low on vitamin D. I was delighted when he agreed that it would not hurt to prescribe a low dose of thyroid medication to see if it made a difference.

    In June, I began taking Synthroid and experienced some relief when my energy increased, and my brain fog appeared to be lifting. But I still did not feel great and thought, “I am only 55 and will never make it to my 80’s Iike my mom!”

    In December, a good friend gave me a book for Christmas about intentionally pursuing spiritual practices, attitudes and relationships that promote God’s work of transformation in my life. On December 29th, I read Chapter 1 -- which was about expressing your deepest desires and longings to Jesus. The story of Bartimaeus, the blind beggar, was used to set the context. In these passages, Jesus comes face to face with Bartimaeus and asks him, “What do you want me to do for you?” (Mark 10:51) At the end of chapter 1 was an exercise to imagine yourself in the historical setting of Bartimaeus face to face with Jesus and He asks you, “What do you want me to do for you?”

    I spent a long time thinking about the possibilities and finally determined to ask for better health. In my journal on December 29th, I wrote: “God, what I want most from You right now is a body that feels good, is strong with no aches and pains, no allergies, no weak arms, no tiredness. I want a healthy body that is unstressed and full of energy, strength and happiness!”

    In making plans for 2019, as in past years, I was researching to find a diet that would enable me to shed 10 pounds quickly. I found one that lasted for a month and thought, “I can do anything for 30 days if it results in rapid weight loss!”

    I printed the program guidelines and acceptable food list and started getting ready for January 2nd. This diet is a food program where you eliminate sugar, grains, legumes, dairy, alcohol and processed foods for 30 days. Then, you slowly reintroduce these foods to determine if there are any to which you are sensitive.

    I was motivated and coerced my husband to do it also. By joining a Facebook group of people on the diet, I was able to see what others were cooking and experiencing.

    The first week was so hard! I love dessert and detoxing from sugar felt like a long hangover with headaches and fatigue. But on day six, I started feeling really good – had more energy, felt happy, handled stress better, experienced greater patience, noticed brighter skin and better hair, and suffered no sugar cravings or stomach problems!

    Three weeks into the diet, I wrote in my journal: “Wow! God has answered my deepest want/need. He guided me to this diet, and it has completely changed my life. My intention was to quickly lose ten pounds, but after only six days, I started feeling great. Just crazy! I am thanking God for his healing! Something I eliminated was literally making me sick. God has healed me like he did Bartimaeus!”

    On January 31st, I finished the diet and am now in the two-week reintroduction phase. I will complete this program to learn what was making me so sick! Regardless, I never again intend to eat a diet with so much sugar, dairy, grain and processed foods.

    Also, I have had my blood tested again and should be able to stop taking thyroid medication. The symptoms I was experiencing were likely related to inflammation in my body and are now completely gone. God is so good! I thank Him with all my heart for answering my deepest longing for good health!


    What do you want me to do for you?...
    Mark 10:51

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