His Hand Upon Me | Articles | The Fellowship
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His Hand Upon Me

    Sep 24, 2023 | by The Fellowship

    Life has a way of reminding us of WHO is important.  The longer I have lived alone after the death of my husband, the more conscious I have become of how much time I spend talking to God – about anything and everything.  I remember when a special friend introduced me to the concept of God being my husband.  That must have been when I really began to embrace God in a more complete way. 

    Our Lord has proven to be present in countless situations, many of which might seem inconsequential to the Creator of absolutely everything … like a lost ring or other piece of jewelry or a much-needed reminder to send a note or make a call.  I keep finding myself saying: “You know about this?” or “You have time to help with that?”  How awesome to continually experience that He is always with me!” 

    Recently, I had a rather spectacular vehicle rollover down an embankment– totaling my car.  When the car came to a stop, I had a few sort of unexpected thoughts.  The first one was – so this is what it is like to roll over.  Second, I looked around and said to self – my car has curtains!  (The side air bags had deployed and quickly deflated once they had done their job.) 

    THEN I realized that I seemed perfectly intact!  It was as if God had wrapped me in pillows and I felt NOTHING! Seeing the car later, I knew SOMETHING had indeed happened!  I instantly started thanking Him for His protection and just kept expressing gratitude to everyone I encountered.  It could have been so much worse.

    Able to open the driver’s side door, I stepped out – standing upright without any need of aid.  Later, I discovered that no other door would open.  Two good Samaritans were quickly at my side, having witnessed the whole event.  They said that their observation of the accident as it happened caused them to believe it was going to have a very bad outcome.

    I was covered with glass and air bag residue.  One of the men even had some hydrogen peroxide in his vehicle and poured it on my multiple small skin wounds.  Not long after, all the different accident response units arrived and each rendered aid in their areas of expertise.  When all was said and done, I was sporting one broken rib! 

    This was definitely a more significant event than a lost earring and yet God was unfailingly present, and I knew it.  As people commented on how well I had come out of the crash, I was most eager to share that it had everything to do with a faithful, loving, protecting God … one who never leaves His children.  

    Two years prior I had been gifted with a bracelet from my daughter-in-law.  She had shared at the time about being very intentional in her selection.  I eventually hung the bracelet on my rearview mirror as a constant reminder when I was driving in today’s increasingly daunting traffic.  It had a Bible verse on it -- Psalms 16:8:  I will not be shaken. 

    It has become a life verse for me as I navigate all the daily challenges of life.  On this particular day because it was buried deep in my heart, I lived into it with a beautiful, calm confidence.  Thank you, Father, for your faithfulness.


     You discern my going out … you are familiar with all my ways. 
    You hem me in—behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me. 
    Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain. 
    Psalm 139: 3, 5-6


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