Heart Sinking Symptoms

Jul 26, 2020 | by Nancy Newbrough
A couple of weeks ago on a Friday, our family was packing and preparing to leave for a vacation at the beach at South Padre Island. I had just gone to pick up one of my daughters from her job and realized that I had a sore throat – a really sore throat. There was also pain in my chest and one of my eyes was bloodshot! I did not look so good and I felt even worse! Perhaps it is just my allergies, I rationalized.
But as the day wore on, I felt worse and just wanted to lay down on my bed. I am usually extremely healthy and rarely get sick. Thoughts of COVID 19 kept coming to mind and filling me with fear. My 80-year-old mother lives with us as well as my two-year-old grandson and his mother, another of our daughters. We are a household of seven and the thought of infecting all those people was horrifying!
By 6 p.m. we had decided I was too sick to leave on vacation the next day and decided to postpone our trip. After a while, seeking medical help became the priority. Our first thought was an Urgent Care facility, but when we called one that had been recommended -- there were 17 people waiting to be seen! So we set out for a hospital ER.
My husband was not allowed to go in with me (COVID 19 rules) and sat in our car in the parking lot. Thankfully, I did not have to wait and screening interviews about my symptoms were soon begun. Then I was escorted to an isolation area and placed in a room with two other people who were obviously very sick. One was a woman running a lot of fever who really needed to be in a bed – but there were only chairs. The other was a man coughing constantly. I began to frantically pray: “Lord, please protect me and heal me. If I did not come in with COVID, I will probably leave with it!” It was awful! I was communicating with my husband and family by text and asked them to keep praying for me!
A chest X-ray was done and three swab tests – one in my throat and one in each nostril. The nurse practitioner who was overseeing my case was totally covered in protective gear. She said they would know more when the results of the X-ray were received.
Much time passed before she returned. This time she wore only a mask! My X-ray had been clear. She thought the sore throat was from allergies and gave me a prescription. Because of no breathing problems, she thought the chest pain was from a non-threatening injury in my shoulder. As for the bloodshot eye, she suggested I see an eye doctor. The result of the nasal swabs for COVID would be available the next day and the throat swab on Sunday, but she did not think I had “the virus!” Her advice was to quarantine until the test results came back. I was free to go!
It was well after midnight before we got home, and I fell into bed. All the next day I rested in my room away from the other family members. Late in the day, I received the results of the nasal swabs … I was negative for COVID! It was such a tremendous relief and all we could do was thank the Lord over and over!
The next morning, five of our family left for the beach. My husband and I waited for the result of the throat swab later that day (no problems there) and on Monday morning, we went to see an eye doctor about the broken blood vessel. It also was not serious, so we were able to go to South Padre for our vacation!
Getting out of the house to go somewhere fun was such a treat! There were not many people at the condo where we were staying or on the beach, so we were able to social distance and take the recommended precautions. As the week progressed, I gradually began to feel better.
Our Lord was with me every step of the way during this ordeal! How I thank Him for the protection He provided for all of us and for the healing I have received!
I sought the Lord, and he answered me;
he delivered me from all my fears.
Psalm 34:4