All I Need

    Jul 14, 2019 | by Nancy Newbrough

    In 2003, I graduated with an MBA in Telecommunications. I worked at the university where I received my degree, but my work contract was not renewed. It was time to look for other opportunities!

    At the time, my son and I lived in Mexico with my family. I searched everywhere, even went out of state to look for opportunities -- but not many were available for a single mother. In Mexico it is legal to deny jobs to women if a company believes that being a mother can be an impediment to useful employment. Over and over this is what I was told! It was clear that I had to look somewhere else!

    My sister in Houston invited me to come and try to figure something out here. I had $4,000 USD, two degrees and spoke English fluently. Believing I had a chance for success, my son and I headed to Houston without knowing exactly what to expect. I held the type of visa that requires a sponsor. It was only for a year and could not be renewed, so I soon had to find another sponsor. A school district offered to continue my visa by working as a bilingual educator for them. It was difficult, but as I moved through different schools, there was always a way for me to provide for us.

    These were years of uncertainty and hope. I prayed every day -- not by faith -- but out of despair and not knowing what else to do. I prayed for citizenship, for a home in which to raise my son, and to be able to provide a good life for both of us.

    When I think about it today, it feels like a blink of the eye! But it took 13 years of unimaginable things to finally say that ALL my prayers were answered. I look back in amazement and think: "How can this be?” Both my son and I are now U.S. citizens! I own my home and have good credit that allows me certain comfort for my basic needs (car, dental care).

    Something inside told me there is more than survival, that I can dream beyond basic needs, and God called me to belong to a Christian church. I asked to be shown one and He brought me to The Fellowship.

    My son and I were baptized in the summer of 2016 before he left for college in Groningen, the Netherlands. Now he has his own dreams to pursue and his own prayers are yet to be answered -- but that will be his testimony one day.

    I prayed to get to know God deeper and experience His abundant life. (Call to me and I will answer you and tell you unsearchable things you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3) Wow! Like they say – be careful of what you pray for! God guided me to a four-day academic visit to NASA which inspired me to pursue a new career through learning about the universe and physics. He asked me to surrender my old dreams and it was painful, but now He has given me new dreams to pursue! I am back in school, still not certain of the final goal, but God guides me step by step! God has a new life for me that will surpass everything He has already done in my life.

    God's Word has become alive in me in so many ways! When I gather with brothers and sisters weekly at the international Bible study, I am in the midst of Brazilians, Colombians, Americans, Mexicans, Venezuelans, Italians, Iranians, etc. which reminds me of ... and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (Philippians 2:11) 

    God has commanded: Be still and know that I am God. (Psalm 46:10) By sitting before Him in prayer, I acknowledge that He is my God, my Lord, my provider, my source of everything and my portion. We are doing all things together and I experience His love in overwhelming ways. The Holy Spirit is manifested in me and I am at awe to see Him at work. If I die today, I am not the same woman who came into the world! I have been loved and touched by His hand! That is really all I need!

    …Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
    I have called you by name; you are Mine!
    Isaiah 43:1

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