A Cry for Help | Articles | The Fellowship
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A Cry for Help

    Jan 29, 2023 | by The Fellowship

    Since 1977, I have had a long history of chronic pain, spinal surgeries, fusions, injections, and nerve ablations.  On top of that, I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis about 20 years ago and have Osteoarthritis.

    After years of spinal injections and nerve ablations, my Pain Management Specialist said there could be no more ablations because of all the scar tissue. So, in late 2020, I had a Spinal Cord Stimulator implanted to help with the pain.

    But the next year, my pain level started to increase in the area of my sacroiliac joints in my lower back. These joints support the weight of the upper body when standing. Unfortunately, the Spinal Cord Stimulator did not cover the area. Injections were prescribed, but did not touch the pain.

    As the pain kept getting worse, walking, sitting, and sleeping at night became very difficult. So a year ago, I had nerve ablations in both sacroiliac joints – but they brought no relief from the pain. Soon I was limping, using a cane to get around, unable to do even simple chores around the house. Sitting became even more painful and also getting up and down. Walking was hazardous because my leg would almost give out.

    The longer this went on, the more depressed I became. Of great concern to my husband and me was being told I needed a Sacroiliac Joint Fusion. As I became even more homebound throughout last year, depression accelerated. How I missed volunteering at the hospital and going to church! “God, please help me!” was my constant cry to the Lord.

    One day the doctor’s office called to schedule the fusion surgery. I immediately said “No!”  Though I did not realize it, God knew the surgery was not needed. I decided to try anything that might help with the pain, including going back to physical therapy and alternative treatments. I restarted stretching exercises and biofeedback meditation for pain management.

    After weeks of physical therapy, my therapist was convinced my problem was the right hip … and not my sacroiliac joints. Both present similar symptoms. After much prayer and research, I got a second opinion. This orthopedic doctor told me I had 100% bone loss in my right hip, so it was bone on bone. A total hip replacement was needed. He said I would feel like a new person -- but to remember, I would still have spinal pain.

    My husband and I walked out of the consultation so relieved and full of hope. I thank God for directing us to this young Christian surgeon! He uses the very latest procedure that enters from the front, so no muscle is cut, and recovery is incredibly fast with little pain.

    Six weeks before surgery, I was assigned a Nurse Navigator who sent frequent emails on what to do to prepare for the operation, including exercises to strengthen my muscles. My husband, daughter and I had to take a mandatory Zoom class about what to expect before surgery and during recovery.

    On October 20, my hip was replaced and immediately …the hip pain was gone! Three hours after surgery, they had me up walking. I would have come home the same day but was kept overnight due to heart issues. The Nurse Navigator sent emails about exercises and how far to walk each day.  I only had the normal pain and discomfort healing from surgery brings -- absolutely nothing compared to what I had been going through.

    Since it was my right hip, I had to wait four weeks before driving. By six weeks, I was back at church and volunteering at the hospital! Today, I can do things that I have not done in almost three years! I have my life back! To God be all the glory and praise for this incredible miracle He has done for me!

    D. G.

    In my distress I called upon the Lord, to my God I cried for help.
    From his temple he heard my voice, and my cry to him reached his ears
    Psalm 18.6


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