Enough | Soul Stir | The Fellowship

Soul Stir


June 17, 2020

Have you ever been to a grocery store and witnessed a two year old melt down over the word no? More often than not, there is a child or two throwing a fit over something they cannot have. On more than one occasion, the screaming child was probably mine ... or maybe my grandchild. Classic example of a strong will to want! No matter what they have, they want more or something different. What they have is rarely enough.  Parents in those moments, including myself, are most likely stressed out, embarrassed, and trying to get out of the store as quickly as possible. Most of us who see the unfolding drama can empathize and at the same time, we are so glad it is not our kids.

Although we have probably all witnessed this type of situation, if we are honest, we have probably seen grown-up versions of that same scenario. Perhaps it is a new car, new furniture, new clothes, a new phone or a computer. We all have things we want and we all have things we think will make us happy … and many times we will make bad decisions in order to get what we want. The world tells us we need it, we buy into the lie, and once we have it, we realize it did not do what it promised. We are left with the same empty feeling we had before we purchased the item, so we decide we need more. We get caught in the cycle of feeling what we have is not enough.

Psalm 23 says, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” God does not give us what we want until all we want is Him. The reason there is so much bitterness and anger and so many problems is because the very stuff we want is not what God wants. What God wants is for us to want Him. David said in Psalm 37:4, “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” The desires of our hearts will be for more of God when we spend time with Him so that He is the object of our affection. When we want nothing more than God, it changes our hearts. The heart is deceitful and wicked unless God is changing it, giving us a heart that is renewed and changed and vibrant.

When our hearts are changed, we will realize that God is enough. And when God is enough, less seems like more. Suddenly we are able to see the world through His eyes. We see that what we have is actually more because it is in the hands of God. Our lives become rich and meaningful and full because God is enough for us.  

The rich and meaningful life comes when we follow Him, wherever He leads us because we trust His heart and His love for us. The Bible tells us the shepherd loves the sheep. John 10:10-11says, “The thief comes to kill and destroy, I came, that they may have life and have it abundantly. I am the good shepherd and the good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep.” That is what Jesus does for you. And so the question is … Is God enough for you?  


Matthew 6:33 says, “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and then all these things will be added unto you.” Take time this week to seek God as your shepherd. Ask God to help you prioritize your life so you can see that He is enough.

-Dr. J


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