Prayer Stories | The Fellowship

Prayer Stories

Stories of answered Prayer
    In Every Tempest
    09.06.20 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

    As I watched Hurricane Laura greatly intensify while barreling across the Gulf of Mexico with a beeline on Lake Charles, Louisiana, I was filled with dread.  A similar storm, Hurricane Audrey, struck Lake Charles many years ago when I was...

      Lending a Hand
      08.30.20 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

      So many have experienced job loss during this pandemic, and our son-in-law was one of these. He and our daughter and their two young girls were living in Oklahoma where he was employed as a mechanical engineer for an international company...

        The Beginning and The End
        08.23.20 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

        My Mom and Dad were happily married for 56 years before she passed away unexpectedly in 2010 after a short illness. Dad was devastated to lose his mate and missed Mom terribly as he struggled to take care of himself. Mom had always been...

          All the Time
          08.16.20 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

          In 2005 I was having problems with my voice and went to see an ear, nose, and throat doctor. His diagnosis was polyps on my vocal cords. While at the appointment, I mentioned having constant ringing in my ears.  The doctor told me that...

            Nothing Touched It
            08.09.20 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

            I thought the pain on the upper left side of my face must be a sinus infection.  But it quickly became unbearable and excruciating, and a rash appeared in the area.  It did not take me long to figure out that I had shingles...

              New Beginnings
              08.02.20 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

              Many of us have been impacted by the economic downturn since March when Covid 19 begin affecting the American people.  My husband and I met with our financial advisor over Zoom in mid-April and were bracing ourselves for the worst.  We...

                Heart Sinking Symptoms
                07.26.20 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

                A couple of weeks ago on a Friday, our family was packing and preparing to leave for a vacation at the beach at South Padre Island. I had just gone to pick up one of my daughters from her job and realized that I had a sore throat – a really...

                  Stuck Fast
                  07.19.20 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

                  A few weeks ago on our eldest son’s birthday, we planned a special dinner that would include his girlfriend and grandparents. My assignment was to smoke the meat – a rack of ribs and a beef Tri-Tip roast. There is nothing like the...

                    Second Chance
                    07.12.20 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

                    Around the beginning of May, I began to experience minor chest pains and fatigue.  I chalked it up to indigestion and all that was happening in my life at the time.  There was a lot of work-related stress due to COVID-19  and...

                      Not Even a Pandemic
                      07.05.20 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

                      When I married my husband in 2013, he worked long hours as a CPA -- but it did not seem to faze him. But over the years, as he is now 63 years old, it has become more and more difficult to put in the 60- to 85-hour work weeks needed for six...

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