Prayer Stories | The Fellowship

Prayer Stories

Stories of answered Prayer
    Never Like This
    02.28.21 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship

    In early January, I was clocking out of work at my job in California when I got the call.  My 5-year-old son, Easton, was in Reno, Nevada, on a snow trip with his dad and sister.  They were sledding down a hill and Easton lost control...

      All Will Know
      02.21.21 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship

      Last Sunday when Valentine’s Day was celebrated, as always love was the focus of that annual observance!  God’s Word clearly teaches that we are only able to love because He first loved us (1 John 4:19), and the greatness of His...

        Not to be Missed
        02.14.21 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship

        Just when we were thinking about an easy transition into a new year, 2020 reared its ugly head one last time -- a health concern with our teen-aged daughter.  It all started on December 29th ... our 15-year-old daughter started complaining...

          A Gentle Nudge
          02.07.21 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship

          My husband and I are in one of The Fellowship’s amazing LIFE Groups. We have been a part of this particular group since 2019. When Covid hit, we moved our meetings to Zoom. It was not exactly the same -- but so good to still see...

            Blessings in the Heartache
            01.31.21 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship

            God is so very good and still this story is so very hard to write ... My husband and I have several wonderful adult children and are ever so blessed! I have always been close to my oldest daughter, Renee. Even though her husband’s career...

              Go to Your Knees
              01.24.21 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

              On December 26, Sam, a senior football player at the local high school our oldest daughter attends, was in a serious car accident at night on his way home from work. When his car rolled, he was ejected in a field and suffered a traumatic injury...

                No Doubt
                01.17.21 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

                My wife and I moved to Fulshear last year in May.  We began looking for a new church to get planted in and discovered The Fellowship where we absolutely love the messages and the welcoming atmosphere.  The first time we ever attended...

                  Unexpected Journey
                  01.10.21 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

                  Anyone who has ever endured a miscarriage knows how hard it is to allow yourself to get excited when you once again conceive.  Always lurking in the background is the fear that you might lose this baby as well. My husband and I had been...

                    Incredible Gift
                    01.03.21 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

                    I love a quotation from Michael W. Smith’s song Friends – “A friend is a friend forever … if the Lord’s the Lord of them.“ Nevertheless, over time we tend to lose contact with friends from our childhood...

                      All I Want
                      12.23.20 | Stories | Edited by Nancy Newbrough

                      It was a normal Saturday before Christmas and I headed out to do errands.  My husband was home pulling decorations out of the attic to delight the grand kids. We planned to go to the movies when finished with our tasks. Around dinnertime, I...

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