Prayer Stories | The Fellowship

Prayer Stories

Stories of answered Prayer
    Facing My Fear
    06.13.21 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship

    From the moment I started seeking Jesus, in that lost and hopeless place a short two and a half years ago, worship music has had an immense impact on my relationship with Him.  At times, early on, it was the only thing I could cling to in...

      Through the Fire
      06.06.21 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship

      Growing up, I heard many people say that children do not come with a manual. When my daughter was born in 2003, I did not understand how understated that was and how unprepared I was for what the Lord had in store for us. My child’s...

        Through It All
        05.30.21 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship

        Gazing around my cozy home in Katy, I am in awe of God’s amazing faithfulness. The results of the prayers I prayed and the help from God I pleaded for are all being shown to me.  The overwhelming feelings of peace and restoration are...

          Not By Accident
          05.23.21 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship

          It was late in the day and I had just finished mowing the grass.  I was hot and tired and had not started dinner yet.  However, I asked my husband, who had been stuck upstairs in his office all day working, if he wanted to go for a walk...

            Making a Difference
            05.16.21 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship

            Several years ago, a friend of mine retired early and wanted to get involved in the Pregnancy Help Center.  A strong Christian man, devout in his faith in the Lord, had a desire to devote his time to a mission that honors God.  I...

              Crown of Blessing
              05.09.21 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship

              In Proverbs 17:6, the Lord reveals that our children’s children are a crown to us as we advance in years.  Sometimes we have to wait a bit for the blessing of grandchildren, but how great is the anticipation when you receive the news...

                On the Way Home
                05.02.21 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship

                Our family has attended The Fellowship for the past 12 years.  My husband and I have a 13-year-old daughter who is involved in the youth group and a 10-year-old son who is involved in Fellowship Kids. We have always been blessed by our...

                  Yet to Come
                  04.25.21 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship

                  Our oldest son was killed in a car accident when he was 25 while exiting an interstate highway. The exit ramp went up a hill and unseen to him, on the other side traffic had backed up almost to the top of the hill.  A lumber truck was last...

                    Take Heart
                    04.18.21 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship

                    No matter what we face in this life, God is amazing and a waymaker!  He is worthy of all our trust as I have learned in a battle that began for me four years ago when my brother in Katy was diagnosed with Stage 2 colon cancer, which was...

                      Count It As Joy
                      04.11.21 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship

                      God is so good! His faithfulness continues to amaze me in every trial and circumstance we find ourselves in. Sometimes it is hard to trust God in every situation, but He continues to teach me that He is molding and refining me more and more to be...

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