It is Malignant!
01.26.25 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship
My doctor was calling to inform me a tumor had been found in my colon. Then she said, “ You are strong and you can beat this!” After wishing me luck, she ended the call. In shock, I looked out the window and watched the sun...
Escaping the Trap
01.19.25 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship
A few years ago, my wife and I were in a tough place with debt. We never intended for that to happen … but somehow it snuck up on us when we were not paying close enough attention. My wife is a nurse. Well into her...
Blessed Event
01.12.25 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship
As it was for so many, 2024 was a very blessed but also very challenging year. God gifted me with my first granddaughter, but He also challenged me to raise that granddaughter -- at least for 90 days. That 90 days turned into a...
Unspeakable Joy
01.05.25 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship
My dad came from the era of tough guys, a mold he filled quite well. He was a fighter and this served him and those around him well - and sometimes not so well - throughout his life. His feistiness helped make a life in a world that...
Three Times Blessed
12.29.24 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship
Christmas is a time when we celebrate newborns! This most popular of all holidays commemorates the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. All the details of this Son of God being born in a stable and placed in a manger, the choir of angels who...
He Never Lets Go
12.22.24 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship
Several weeks before Thanksgiving last year, my grown daughter began feeling bad. She thought it was a stomach bug that would go away in time. But when Thanksgiving came, a holiday whose food she especially enjoyed, her discomfort was...
Forever Grateful
12.15.24 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship
Last weekend, we celebrated the anniversary of our seven-year-old son’s family day when he was officially adopted as a member into our family. Each year on that day, we give glory and praise to God for fulfilling His promise to grow our...
The Challenge of Kilimanjaro
12.08.24 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship
I am not a mountain climber, but I have climbed mountains. Growing up in El Paso, Texas, I spent countless hours hiking the Franklin Mountains or venturing north to Mount Baldy in New Mexico. I have climbed as high as 14,114 feet in Colorado, so...
Learning the Hard Way
12.01.24 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship
Last week, I sat down at my husband’s computer and began the steps to log onto our investment account -- one that we have had for years with a prominent, national firm. My husband was seated beside me, prepared to give...
Taking the Plunge
11.24.24 | Stories | Edited by The Fellowship
For the first few decades of my life, hearing the word baptism always brought back a memory of when I was a young boy, maybe 3 or 4 years old. I was brought to a church for which before that day I have no recollection and very few after it. I...