Let Go and Let God

Apr 12, 2020 | by Nancy Newbrough
On December 10th, I left our house for an evening church men’s group because I had long been on a journey of seeking to know if God was real. On the way, for some reason I found myself contemplating an experience my wife had 12 years ago. She was struggling with a heavy burden because I had become too ill to work. We had three young children and now she was the only one bringing in a paycheck. Her world was falling apart, and she did not know how we could make it through. While driving home alone, she felt a desperate need for someone to tell her things would be okay, to come alongside her and share the burden.
Looking up from the dashboard, she saw that the car directly in front of her had a custom license plate with the letters “CAM” on it. That was my mother’s name! Mom had passed away in 1999, less than a year before our wedding day. My mother was a passionate believer in Jesus! She had been my best friend, and my wife had grown very close to her over the previous four years. In that instant, my wife felt overwhelmingly that this was a sign to let her know she was not alone and that things would be okay!
When my wife shared the experience with me, I was not mean or condescending – but I was definitely skeptical. But if that is what she wanted to believe, good for her!
That evening driving to the men’s group, for some reason I was thinking about her experience more seriously than I had in years. I still had skepticism, but also frustration that it might have been a real thing! Why had this not happened to me? Right in that moment, I prayed for God to show Himself to me! Perhaps in a dream because I never dream, and it would be more than coincidence! Or maybe God could send my mother to me in a dream!
At the meeting’s conclusion, I had the opportunity to share about the “God and Science” course at The Fellowship. I explained how studying the incredible intricacy of creation was so moving that it completely changed my unbelieving perspective -- only a Creator could have done all of this! But believing in and accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior would not be nearly as easy! I told them of my intention to continue searching patiently despite my doubts and questions.
For many months, I had been attending Katy Main Street campus where I joined a LIFE Group and volunteered extensively. I had been immersing myself in the Bible and reading devotionals and books like The Case for Christ and Mere Christianity. Though that helped, it could not bridge the faith gap. All the facts were in my head, but my heart was rock hard!
When leaving the meeting, I checked my phone and saw my wife’s request for me to pick up our son at a friend’s house. I just wanted to decompress but went and got our son anyhow. On the way home he began telling me about his science project and something else, but I was only half listening. I looked up and my eyes instantly locked onto the lone car in front of me on Cinco Ranch Boulevard. My headlights were shining brightly on the car’s custom license plate -- stark white on a black background with the words “LETGOD.” I was stunned, staring in disbelief at this fully Christian, fully appropriate message that was in my face just two hours after pondering my wife’s license plate story and praying explicitly for a sign! I felt a huge weight being lifted off me. The message was exceptionally direct and extremely personal! I knew in that moment the Lord had spoken to me and I would never be able to forget it! Jesus was real!
When I told my wife about the license plate, she freaked out and said, “That is what your mom always used to say! ‘Let Go and Let God’ was her favorite, most used Christian phrase!” Even my brother confirmed it when asked the next day.
For a while my old self kept wanting to chalk it up to coincidence. I tried and tried for two months to talk myself out of what had happened. But it was no use! I finally let go of my hesitations and contacted Pastor Robert. I was a believer and wanted to be baptized to proclaim my new faith in Christ.
The baptism was very special. Many people attended who had come alongside me in my journey to find Christ! It was a very joyful occasion!
There have been seriously trying times since. This virus crisis has left me without work, physically distanced from my church family, and dealing with high levels of fear and anxiety. I continually must remind myself to “Let Go and Let God!” Relinquishing control is not easy! But I am learning to place it all in God’s hands and trusting that He has a plan for me even when I cannot see it.
… if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.
Romans 10:9-10