He Never Lets Go

Dec 22, 2024 | by The Fellowship
Several weeks before Thanksgiving last year, my grown daughter began feeling bad. She thought it was a stomach bug that would go away in time. But when Thanksgiving came, a holiday whose food she especially enjoyed, her discomfort was so great that she barely touched her food.
Around 2 a.m. the next morning, pain in her left side became so excruciating that her husband took her to the ER. Another symptom was nausea, and a lipid test was ordered to measure the level of certain fats in the blood. A normal reading is 160-200. My daughter’s result was more than 700. The C Scan that followed revealed a very inflamed pancreas. She was given pain medicine and sent home with instructions to eat a liquid/soft diet and take Tylenol for the pain.
Within 24 hours, she was back at the ER. My daughter, who had always been healthy, was diagnosed with severe pancreatitis. The pancreas is a flat, long gland that lies behind the stomach and helps digest food and regulate blood sugars. She was admitted to the hospital. To give her digestive system a rest, nutrition through an IV was ordered. After two days, the IV was causing much discomfort and my daughter knew something was wrong. But after expressing her concern, she was told it was because the nutrition liquid in the IV was thick and she would have to deal with it.
I have a friend who is a patient advocate at that hospital and her list of patients took her to my daughter’s room that day. After my daughter expressed her concern, my friend noticed that her arm was turning red. The IV was removed and an X-ray revealed blood clots that had already reached her shoulder. A blood thinner and diuretic were prescribed, and after a ten-day hospital stay, she went home.
For two months, she fought severe diarrhea. She could do little but sit on the couch, and crying spells were frequent. I was there every day to take care of her and felt so helpless. At night in my own house, I would cry out to God. “Why is this happening to her? Please help me to understand! Please heal her!”
Two months later, she had another attack – this time, the gall bladder. It was surgically removed. We were told that gall stones had possibly been causing many of her problems, and hopefully she would improve once this latest problem ran its course.
Unfortunately, that did not happen. She lost some 45 lbs. Blood work showed she was not healthy. Though the pain decreased a bit, the diarrhea stayed out of control. Protective, ultra-absorbent underwear was necessary. She was trapped in her own house. Her husband cared for her at night while I continued day duty.
Because I had previously had three heart surgeries, this couple had been trying for ages to get me to move in with them so they could keep an eye on me. Now it was making sense for me to live with them and be there for my daughter. Because their home is located on five acres, my son-in-law built an apartment for me that is separate from their house, but close by in emergencies.
I shared with my primary care physician, a caring Christian man, about the situation. He recommended a liver and pancreas specialist and gave me his information. Within three weeks, this doctor had a complete workup taking place with every test imaginable, including ones for cancer -- which she did not have. The diagnosis is severe pancreatic insufficiency, and she was put on a medicine that has to be taken with every meal. By adding back foods one a time, she is discovering what her body will and will not tolerate.
When we recently celebrated Thanksgiving a few weeks ago, it was with a heart overflowing with gratitude as I watched her cooking again and enjoying food. Though she will always have to be careful about food, the Lord has restored her life and vitality and daily joys. She is back to herself again! How I rejoice to see big smiles on her face!
I am constantly dialoguing with the Lord, and He has been getting lots of ranting and raving from me this past year. I could not understand why my precious daughter had to go through such an ordeal. But Jesus clearly told us that in this world … we would have trouble. No one escapes it! What I have learned is that we are to trust Him in every situation, especially when we do not understand. He is always right here with us and gives us reminders along the way of His constant presence and help. I call these reminders “God winks!” Like my friend, the patient advocate, who happened to visit my daughter in her hospital room and helped avert a crisis. Or my primary care physician who recommended a specialist -- and that has made all the difference! There is no God like our God! He will never leave us or forsake us!
… When you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze.
For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, Your Savior.