First to Succeed | Articles | The Fellowship

First to Succeed

    Apr 30, 2023 | by The Fellowship

    When my daughter adopted a 13-year-old girl out of the foster care system, I knew it would be beyond difficult!  But I certainly had no concept of the ongoing problems that would surface!

    Because she had been in a number of foster care situations and was now a teenager, this girl had developed attachment syndrome.  Just like some babies develop an inability to thrive, kids who are constantly being moved from one foster home to another develop the inability to form emotional ties to others.  They have had their hearts broken and their expectations shattered one time too many.

    In the state where my daughter lives, foster parents get paid according to how many medications the foster child is on – the more the child takes, the greater the stipend.  So, the first thing my daughter did was to take her teenager to the doctor to be evaluated for how many of her meds could be eliminated.

    Also in the girl’s history was sexual abuse by her biological family.  And it may have also occurred during foster care.  Little wonder this girl was not about to bond with her new family. Talk about someone having a bad attitude!  My daughter so wanted her to have a chance to succeed in life, but it was a steep, uphill battle.  The prayers in our family have stormed heaven for years on her behalf.

    High school was very difficult because of learning problems, but somehow, she managed to graduate.  The next big hurdle was trying to get her on a path to support herself.  But all she could find was minimum-wage jobs like working in a pizza joint, a Subway shop, or a waxed paper factory.  Because she was not reliable and often missed work, no job lasted very long.

    It seemed inevitable that she would find a toxic boyfriend and move into a small trailer with him.  He did not treat her well or give emotional support, but as long as she cooked meals and did the wash, she had a roof over her head. Eventually his father, who was a heroin and cocaine dealer, moved in with them.  That is when she got serious about getting a stable job and bettering herself so she could get away from the situation and into a place of her own.

    Things were looking up when she was hired by an auto parts store.  Not only did she work behind the counter, but she also used a company car to make deliveries of parts to other businesses.  My granddaughter worked more hours than at any job previously.  But then one day while she was out delivering parts, someone crashed into the company car.  Her right foot was badly injured and required restorative surgery followed by lengthy physical therapy -- so she could no longer make deliveries. The business first laid her off and then terminated her. For many months, she was immobilized and only survived with state aid and food stamps.  This and her pet cat, who gave her comfort, kept her chained to living in the trailer.

    However, she never stopped looking for another job or gave up her goal of being independent.  Once regaining mobility, she landed a job with a large company that provides internet and cell phone service.  The job required seven weeks of training on persuading irate people determined to terminate their contract instead to change their minds and stay with the company. This is not an easy assignment and learning how to succeed involves much practice and role playing. Not only does this company pay good wages, but there are also benefits and she has her own cubicle with a desk and phone.  Her self-esteem has exploded.

    One of her first objectives with a steady, good-paying job was to get moved into an apartment.  A friend had agreed to share an apartment with her but backed out at the last moment.  However, the apartment manager determined that she could qualify on her own with no one having to co-sign.

    Recently, the seven weeks of training ended, and the new employees began to answer real phone calls!  On her very first call, my granddaughter was able to persuade the person into continuing with the company!  A big deal was made of this because she was the first to succeed in the new class of trainees.  Not only highly praised, but she was also awarded a bonus – which happens every time she is successful.

    How we are praising our Lord for His gift to her of this new job!  The personal growth we are witnessing is miraculous!  She is now 26, but just beginning to succeed on her own. And that is despite all that she has endured in her life!  Recognizing the source of her success, she is saying, “I need more God in my life!” We are seeing with our own eyes that with God, all things are possible!

                                                                                                    A Praying Grandmother

    … everything is possible for him who believes. 
    Mark 9:23    



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