A Gentle Nudge | Articles | The Fellowship
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A Gentle Nudge

    Feb 7, 2021 | by The Fellowship

    My husband and I are in one of The Fellowship’s amazing LIFE Groups. We have been a part of this particular group since 2019. When Covid hit, we moved our meetings to Zoom. It was not exactly the same -- but so good to still see everyone’s faces. We also love staying in touch through our group text. On a regular basis, we text prayer requests to one another. It is so wonderful to know that by sending one message, you can easily and immediately have 15 or more people praying for you.

    On January 15th, one of our newer LIFE Group members sent out a request for prayer. She told us that the tumor on her pancreas had doubled in size. MD Anderson had advised her that surgery to remove her pancreas and spleen was her only treatment option. She admitted to being terrified.

    My husband and I immediately began to pray. We both started wondering how anyone can live without their pancreas. So what did I do? ... Yep, I Googled it! There are ways to live without a pancreas, but it is definitely not easy. Since the pancreas produces insulin, one of the issues in losing it is becoming an instant diabetic. 

    My heart just started aching for her. I remembered her telling our group that she was single -- and both her mother and her sister had passed away within the last few years. I could not even imagine what she was going through, having to face all of this alone. Right away, I could feel God nudging me to reach out to her, and I started praying about it. 

    That Sunday, Pastor Jerry’s message was about “loving the you next to you.” Oh... I could feel the Holy Spirit moving, and in my heart I knew that God was yet again asking me to reach out to her. On Tuesday, I talked to my husband about it. He encouraged me to contact her. But still, I waited. 

    Finally, on Thursday morning, I sent a text message, letting her know that we were praying and I wanted to help in any way possible. I offered to drive her to appointments and, if Covid restrictions allowed, to be an ear to listen and to help process all of the information the doctors were explaining to her.

    She quickly replied to my text, saying it had made her cry. Thanking me so much, she admitted that it is a struggle for her to ask anyone for help. My offer, therefore, was a huge relief and an answer to her prayers. Her biopsy had not yet been scheduled, but she knew the procedure would require anesthesia and she would not be allowed to drive home afterwards. 

    We texted back and forth that day. She explained that although the doctors think that surgery is the only answer, there are two possible operations they could do. Both are incredibly invasive. The biopsy would shed some light on the situation and help them decide how to proceed. 

    Later, on the very same day that I responded to God’s nudging and offered my help, MD Anderson contacted her to arrange for the biopsy.  The name and phone number of the person driving was required. She was so relieved to now have a name to give them! They recommended doing it ASAP, so the biopsy was set for the following Monday. God’s timing is so amazing! 

    On Monday we talked all the way to MD Anderson, and I prayed over her before she got out of the car. She has since gotten some of the results back from the testing of the fluid, and the numbers are concerning. However, she has not yet heard back from the surgeon about what is next.

    Her faith is very strong, but this, as she says, “is scary stuff!” Our LIFE Group is amazing and is standing in the gap for her! God is with her, and so are we! She will not walk this health journey alone! Please join us in praying for a miracle!


    If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. 
    Galatians 5:25

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